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Calories Burned
Find out how many calories from everyday activity, such as riding your bicycle to work, walking to lunch or doing chores.

Carbon Calculator
How big is your carbon footprint? Looking for ways to reduce it?

Dress for Cold Weather
A general guide for dressing in the cold weather season.

Fuel Savings Calculator
Discover how much you could save in fuel by using public transportation

How to Dress for Bike Riding in Cold Weather
This video gives an overview of how to dress for bicycling outdoors in the winter seasons.

How to Layer
A written guide to layering clothing for winter weather

Momentum Planet
An online bicycle magazine based in Canada, but full of information useful no matter where you live.

MTA - Mass Transportation Authority
Get the most up to date information about the local bus system. Bus schedule, fares, holiday schedule, construction notices and more.

Prevention Walking Maps
Plan your walk with walking maps

Public Transportation
This web site is all about public transportation in America

Teach Children How to Dress For Winter
This guide explains how to teach children to dress for cold weather.

Winter Riding Guide Tips
Written tips for bicycling in the winter for residents of the central northeast region.